Studio Gianluca Iadema

Gianluca Iadema


Un_balanced:[as]symmetria is a project consisting of three audiovisual sculptures that incorporate mirrors, video, light, metal sculptures, and concrete. It originates from the idea of exploring both the philosophical concept and the physical phenomenon of reflection.


Audiovisual sculpture


multichannel sound diffusion, mirrors, sculptures, video

Years of creation

in progress

The first of the three installations opts out of using video; instead, it aims to provide a perceptual twist on the notion of balance, showcasing the delicate boundary it represents. Mirrors in this piece take on almost human-like characteristics, mirroring the setup in the final installation. On the other hand, the second installation presents two projections housed in a trapezoidal box that mirrors their path, accompanied by swirling smoke. Two mirrors are strategically placed at the base of each side, each angled differently. These surfaces will catch the light from the projectors, resulting in partial reflections on the sides of the trapezoidal boxes.

In last audiovisual sculpture the mirrors not only reflect but also conceptually absorb any information presented before them. While luminous information, such as video directly projected onto them, is deflected and redirected in the opposite direction, distorting and transforming the entire space. These mirrors feature two precise punctures, each resembling the shape of the opposing mirror, as if extruded and scaled. Through these apertures, light passes, projecting onto the walls, where two additional mirrors of the same shape as the projection are positioned, creating a secondary reflection point. This results in the overlap of an additional beam of diverted light.