Studio Gianluca Iadema

Composer, visual artist and performer Gianluca Iadema works with a multidisciplinary approach to music, video and installation, resulting in an art tipology that takes into account many of its expressions: sound, image, sculpture, including performance, light and everything in between.

Gianluca Iadema will present a new array of artworks in a solo exhibition at Suburbia Contemporary for Barcelona Gallery Weekend 2024

Gianluca Iadema will present his work Un_i[n]verso at Loop Festival Barcelona in collaboration with Suburbia Contemporary Gallery

Gianluca Iadema live performance at Zone Digitali 2023 (Bergamo)

Gianluca Iadema presents his speech "art is everything in between at Höplie (Milan)

Gianluca Iadema's new work ever.rave, in collaboration with Lorenzo Colombo at Klang festival Copenhagen 2023

Francesco Morgantini interviews Gianluca Iadema for Forbes Italia

Gianluca Iadema presents his speech "art is everything in between at AI Forum 2023 (Milan)

Gianluca Iadema live performance at Seeyousound 9




un_i[n]verso - audiovisual sculpture

un_i[n]verso - audiovisual works

from, maybe to - sound sculptures

from, maybe to - mixed media drawings

from, maybe to - audiovisual works